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Aupair Status

Just came home from the Aupair-meeting. We were and saw NY Islanders V.S Boston. It was a okay game but not more. Boston won with 2-0:S

When me and Jenny were sitting on the game we saw one Aupair from Thailand who brought her American-boyfriend to the game. How much status isn´t that?
So me and Jenny started a discussion how you get Aupair-status in this crazy aupar world.
This is some things we came up with..
* Bring your boyfriend/girlfriend to all the aupair meetings(As i already told you.)
* Work few hours a day.
* Have a rich hostfamily.
* Have hostparents who have very intresting jobs.
* You have been or you are traveling with the family.
* And the last thing is a secret but probably this is the thing who gives you most status.(= Me, Sam and Jenny has it)

So you have any more suggestions?

NY Islanders V.S Boston

NAtti Natti



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