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so now is the test done. It was so hard. i could never imagine:S First it was a part where you wrote just a text from a topic that you choosed. So i choosed to write about badthings with moving to U.S. I hope that part whent good. But the second part. OMG it was so hard. It sounds simple. You had a text and you should put in 30 words. But the text was so hard. i understood nothing.... on thusday will i get the result..Í´m not looking forward to it:S

Soo finally it´s almost here SATURDAY Night :)
 Just spoke to Sam and we made some plans. We are going in around 8 to NYC then will we meet a girl from Stockholm at Time Square:) after will we just eat dinner then at 11pm are we going to a club called Highland Ballroom and meet up some American girls. To night at ´Highland  Ballroom is it every Saturday a show, The Ewind Show. It is music from the 80´s and after that will we go to Mansion.
I think it can be a good night but as always plans change very fast in the big Apple:)

// matiillda



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