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Good Morning:)
Nice with Saturday today. Is still lying in bed trying to wake up..Sam and me will go to a collage today and sign us up for english classes. I got the highest score on the test.on one of two the other on the second one i got level 3 the second best. Fuck all my english teachers at home... Gillman, JB and Eva... didn´t like none of them:S maybe they should start to think of something else, I never thought that english were there thing...

have a good day:)


Heelloooo. Today´s Friday :D I feel a little bit tired  now but i now it will be better tonight.
We´re going to Fridays here in Rockfielld Center, it´s the only right thing to do on a Friday:)
HAHHA some pepole thinks that they only are oppen on Fridays... We will keep it safe so we are going today, on a Friday.


Make cupcakes not war..

Cool T-shirt that a swedish girl has design..
What if the wold were more like her?



DSW if you love shoes?

I will go there on Saturday hope i find a new par of ankelboots. It´s so pretty to everything,  black or skin color-tights, jeans. Can´t wait


Design- Not really my thing..

I wish i was better on design:(
Here is a girl who do really cool stuff..:)
Check in here blogg here---> www.naztysbunnyb.blogg.se

On Sunday will I be a Guinness World Record holder, maybe...

Yees, this Sunday will i have a chance on a world record. It is a record for the largest polar bear swim. This is a tradition in Long Beach. Thousands of pepole will run in the sea at the same time..
I hope Sunday will be as it sounds SUNday;)

Long Beah polar jump 2007

This day is always on the same day as the Super Bowl :)
It is the championship game of the national fotball leauge.
This year it´s NFC V.S AFC

NY is back today.

Yesterday it came about 1 dm snow here in New York. If it had been Sweden should it not be a big deal but here is it like the hole wold stops for a day. Pepole took off from theirs jobs, the school closed, the libary closed,it is just the way it is here in New York...
But today is all snow gone and the sun is shining. :)

´Snow in NYC

Spring 2009 In NY

Can´t wait for the spring and the sun to come:)
All these fabolus clothes ofcourse...;)

NY spring 2009


Not much happend today. Just were home and went to the playground. After work went i to the gym. Thought i was near to die, but i survived..
When i came home from the gym had Carrie bought three new shoes and she wanted mine opinion about them. I like them all but special one par with wedge heel. I think her hole businesslook so good and with a par of cool shoes it only makes it look better:)

now will i look on a new episode of andra avenyn:)

Nightie nightie

Chineshe dumpling

More chinesefood today so soon will i look like a chinese dumpling:S

Happy Chinese New Year!

Sam sleept over here so i wake her up around 1PM. Later in the afternoon we went to Oceanside. We did some shopping. I bought some new gym-clothes. One sport-bra, T-shirt, topp and pants. So now I´m fit for fight for the gym. It nice to give yourself something extra:)

After i dropped Sam went I home. Then we ate some Chinese food because it Chinese new year. I must tell everyone how good I´m to eat with chopsticks. Can almost eat all chinese food with them now:)

// matiillda


Mia made some cupcakes today. Here favorite thing to do:) She talked about it the hole week:)



so now is the test done. It was so hard. i could never imagine:S First it was a part where you wrote just a text from a topic that you choosed. So i choosed to write about badthings with moving to U.S. I hope that part whent good. But the second part. OMG it was so hard. It sounds simple. You had a text and you should put in 30 words. But the text was so hard. i understood nothing.... on thusday will i get the result..Í´m not looking forward to it:S

Soo finally it´s almost here SATURDAY Night :)
 Just spoke to Sam and we made some plans. We are going in around 8 to NYC then will we meet a girl from Stockholm at Time Square:) after will we just eat dinner then at 11pm are we going to a club called Highland Ballroom and meet up some American girls. To night at ´Highland  Ballroom is it every Saturday a show, The Ewind Show. It is music from the 80´s and after that will we go to Mansion.
I think it can be a good night but as always plans change very fast in the big Apple:)

// matiillda

Friday night.

Working night to night. Sometimes it is nice:) have some on time when the kids are sleeping.

Tomorrow morning will I do a test that can show how my english is. I hope i will do well on the test. But it´s so hard to remember everything. It was so long time ago  I wrote a test : S
Can´t stop listen to The dream-  Rockin´that thang,  soo good.

Good night everyone.


Yees, yesterday we booked our skiitrip. We will go to Hunter Mountain 20-22 February. It will be so nice. Me, Jenny, Sam and Mimmi on a good hill and hopefully we can also get some sun, dosen´t it sounds perfect?

www.huntermtn.com  :)


Home sweet home...:)

Came home from Dominican Republic today. It was so nice. Everything was perfect...special when Sam came with me:)

HAHA the flight down to DR was carazy. It Started with that i bheard i weard sound. I asked Sam if she heard that. She did. Then we head it again. It was like a cat was in the airplane but Sam thought it was on the Tv but when i turned around i saw that someone had brought his cat with him...yes and you heard right it was a him...The cat wasn´t quiet for a second so the guy who had the cat took him ouyt of the cage and had him under the blanket.. I mean what if the cat  ran away. Stupid pepole.
Ofcourse our Tv was brokend so we were forced to listen to the cat the hole flight.. But then we asked the cabin attendent if he could fix it bur ofc he couldn´t.
Thenb after they give us our snack so took I my coke and guess what happends? haha the table broked and my coke ran out in the hole airplan... ´haha  so the cabin attendent is waking pass us and saing something about that we can not make a bigger mess haha but i tried to explaine to him that it was the tables fault not mine but he didn´t had time to listen. And this guy was like the most feminine thing on earth.

But the funnist thing was that we were going to take jetblues bus to the hotell because my host dad works there . So do you think they had a chock when they saw us ealk in to the bus?
HAhah then they told my hostdad what pain in the ass we had been the hole trip...

Okay enough blogging today.. i´m tired...

I will tell you some more about the trip another day..
Now i will see todays episode of Andra Avenyn.

Sleep tight. Hugs and kisses

Aupair Status

Just came home from the Aupair-meeting. We were and saw NY Islanders V.S Boston. It was a okay game but not more. Boston won with 2-0:S

When me and Jenny were sitting on the game we saw one Aupair from Thailand who brought her American-boyfriend to the game. How much status isn´t that?
So me and Jenny started a discussion how you get Aupair-status in this crazy aupar world.
This is some things we came up with..
* Bring your boyfriend/girlfriend to all the aupair meetings(As i already told you.)
* Work few hours a day.
* Have a rich hostfamily.
* Have hostparents who have very intresting jobs.
* You have been or you are traveling with the family.
* And the last thing is a secret but probably this is the thing who gives you most status.(= Me, Sam and Jenny has it)

So you have any more suggestions?

NY Islanders V.S Boston

NAtti Natti


Today I should cut my her. But didn´t have time because Carrie was late from work. But tomorrow i hope it will be some time to do it.
Is still thinkig to get me a bangs. I think it will one tomorrow. But the hard part is what kind? I must found out..

Maybe i go for Katie Holmes, What do you think?

Good Stuff.

One thing with haveing a pilot to hostdad is that he bring home magazines to me...
-" Matilda here you have some trash "

Must start reading now..

Sleeping with style!

Just took a shower. Lying in my bed right now. I will soon see a new episode of Andra Avenyn. I must admit I have actually missed it when they didn´t show it during the holiday...

What do you think of my NY-PJ?

Sleep tight everyone..
 Natti Natti

Here we come..

Yees now we all set. Sam is coming with us to the Dominican Republic. Can it be better me and Sam in each suncher on a five* hotell with a drink in our hands? Shouln´t think so..

Can´t wait

Friday night

Yees,things happends so quickly in this family. This Friday  we will go to Dominican Republic. It will be so nice. Even do i have not been home even for a week so do I miss the sun so much. Now is the only thing to do to keep your fingers krossed that Sam´s host dad can be off from work so she can come with us. We will know to night how it will be...

Now must I run to my Spinnig class


I love my bitch..

When i came home from Panama I found a present on my bed from Michaela(miella.blogg.se).
It was this beautiful bacelet. It´s two signs, a peace sign and a heart.Soo Sweet..
Love you forever<3

Freezing Cold

It´s so cold here right now. Even do it´s only around zero so does it feels like it´s at least -20. I hope it gets warmer soon. 
Right now a have this song in my head "It´s getting hot in here so take off all your cloths.."maybe I think If I think on it often enough it will be like that.. time will show us..



This morning I really feelt this "monday-morning-feeling". You know when you just whant to turn off the alarm take your quilt over your head and just go back to your dream..

Great day!

I went out off bed around 11am then took a shower. Then when i was dressed went I out for a walk just to get some fresh air. It was so nice but cold. I like does "hangover walks". they makes you feel so much better:)
When i was back home i got a skype call from Sweden and not just from anybody it was Frugan that called. It feelt so good to talk to her. Even that she is thousands of miles away it feels like she is so cloes to me <3.

After that i went out to se Jenny and Sam. We had some dinner at Moe´s. The best taco here but it is not even close to Santa Maria.. then we also planned our skiitrip. It seems like we are going a weekend in February to Hunted Mountain. It will be a great trip with alot of skiing and of course you will se on after skii to. That´s a big part of skiing;)
And ofcourse when i came Carrie and Martin are planing a trip to Dominican Republic and ofcourse they are so nice that I can bring a friend so i hope this trip will be sometime in March

Now it´s time to go to sleep, Workday tomorrow.

Natti Nattti

Saturdays is making it worth to live

First we had some planes to go to a comedy club but we skipped it instead we ended up at Mansion´s dancefloor where we shaked our tails all night long.
Mansion was a pretty good place. No complications when we walked in so that was good. Two big dancefloors, one with R´n´B and one with a mix of all the biggest paty hits, and plenty of V.I.P talbes for all sorts of pepole
I liked it!

I put my new shoes on...

I put my new shoes on and suddenly everything is all right...

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