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Matilda´s favorite thing is here...

... the weekend;)
So yesterday it was Friday 13th, but it dosen´t scare me. It was the first day of my life also. I´m born on Friday 13 th HAHha When i told my host mam, Carrie about it... the only thing she said was "That explaine alot of things" hahahha I guess she is right! But the day went fine... the only thing was that I lost my traintiocket some how during the night... I´m sure that the man on the trin took it but it was a roundtrip ticket...but i do´n´t think that Sam belived me:(

Soo whatever yesterday we went to a club called 49 Groove:) it was alot of fun... hahha the music could have been better sometimes...and it was alot of ...... Sam u know it;)
By the way...it happend like that we got in a limo on the way home.. AHHAHAHHAH
here is some pics...
Den gång tar jag i på riktigt;)

"In da Limo"

Sometimes in the late night i can feel alittle bit dizzy...i always thinks that i need my glasses but it dosen´t help me very much.



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