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..and it knocks you down..

..just get back up when it knocks you down

Excellent weekend!

This weekend have me and Sam spent to much time together, and tomorrow is school then I need to sit 3 hour next to her, hahaha nono just kidding. The weekend has been excellent :)

Friday was worknight for me so Sam came over and we wached Candy Girls and went to bed early.
On Saturday i woke up early. It was a nice to have  a hole day to lookforward to:) I went to Sam´s hostchilds birthdayparty. It was fun. When the party was over so drove I home Sam then went home for a while. In the afternoon so went i with Sam´s hosfamily for dinner at Applebees, soo good. haha it was fun Matt, Sam´s hostdad, can make a borring dinner be like a comedyshow hahah. When the dinner was over so took me and Sam bettan and went and saw a movie Confessions of a shopaholic, really good movie.

Today, Sunday, so took me and Sam the train in to the city. We started with to be alittlebit wild´and´crazy,so we took the metro down to groundzero and centruy 21. I made some goddies there then after that so took we a walk up to chinatown then soho. It was a nice and sunny day:)

PussPuss and good night everyone:)

one more video..

I forgot that i had a video from the circus. Here it come..

You can here Mias voice. Welcome to my world...

Check in this!

I know everyone want it to be summer, but i must show u this video. It´s from they light up the tree in NYC 3th december. We are standing in NBC building;) lucky us. perfect view..


Yestarday were me, Mia, Laura, and her dad Greg on cirkus. It was amazing, but i feelt so bad for the animals. The elephants looked so sad:( I hope some day that they will come back to the dungel in Africka were they belong. I´m think it´s better to se animals on a zoo were they have it a little bit better.

Anyway, here is some pictures..

Romantic night with Sam

Fridaynight is here. Me and Sam are just home. She choked a good dinner for me:) It was delicious.
This weekend we dont have much planned. Tomorrow will we go to the mall ofcourse like we always do. We have two malls that are not so far from here so we can change every weekend;P
I found some pictures on Sams computer from when we were in the city. I think it was sometime before New Year

Puss och godnatt

Tuesday baby, Tuesday!

Marquee Tuesday, Marquee

Hard working..

Weekend again,can´t believe how fast the time is going. Allready weekend again. I´m working right now. Carrie and Martin went to Buffalo. I guess they are eating buffalo wings. Yesterday was Sam here as company. We had a little spa-night, but just alittle one. Emelie came also over after many U-turnes along the road :S
Carrie will be home at 10 so the night is still young but i´m still not sure what we will do,,, Long Beach, NYC or Rock F?

Today has it been 18 degrees above zero outside.  It has been so nice. First took me and Sam a walk along the board walk with the kids then now in the afternoon have we been at the playground. Everything is so easy when it´s warm outside. No fighting about witch gloves or hat they should have and no big jackets or crying because they are cold.

Hope the night turnes out well

what a weekend..

I have not update for a while now, sorry for that.
It has moved in a new nanny on my street so on friday was me and Sam with her on a club here on Long Island. It was a remicxof a latino / R'n B club. It was okay until everything got crazy. First it didn't look so bad but it got worse. It started with a fight between two guys. The bouncers looked the doors so nobody could come out  because they had taken the guy who was fighting with them, but suddenly the guy came in and everyone was just jumping on echother and we were sitting right next to the door. So the let us out thow another door then a taxiguy followed us to the cr and we drove home.

 Saturday was so much better. First went me and Sam to the mall. then we went home and made us self redo for the night. Me, Sam and Emelie took the train to the city and meet Jenny and Kamila. Then we went to Aspen. It was alot of Swedish pepole so that was nice with some vikings;) hahaha
The night turned out to be great :)

I would have "censur" on this pic;) hahaha

Kiss piss

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